An Evening Reception for the Environment at Lambeth Palace Library

With Dr Ruth Valerio, Bishop Nick Holtam, and David Shreeve MBE

Wednesday 15 November 6pm, Lambeth Palace Library, Lambeth Palace Road, London SE1 7JT

In the words of the Church of England’s Environment Programme, “We believe that responding to the climate crisis is an essential part of our responsibility to safeguard God's creation and achieve a just world. Climate change hits hardest the poorest countries and poorest people of the world”. But how can clergy respond to this practically in parishes and other contexts of ministry, where we often have ageing buildings to maintain, and serve people who face many challenges in life?

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Please note

  • Successful applicants will be sent further information by Thursday 2nd November, 2023
  • Cancellations after Wednesday 8th November will not be refunded
  • Attendees will be expected to honour any food choices submitted in advance
  • It is Sion College policy that no events are recorded

Sion College events are often over-subscribed and each place is generously subsidised. If you are offered a place but are unable to attend for any reason, please let the office know so that your place may be offered to another. In the event of failure to attend without notice after being reserved a place, the Court will require a refund of the subsidy. Application for a place at any Sion event constitutes acceptance of this proviso.

Event Details

Event date: 15th November
Applications open: 10th September
Applications close: 1st November
Price: £15.00


Event Properties

Event Date 15-11-2023 6:00 pm
Event End Date 15-11-2023 11:00 pm
Cut off date 01-11-2023 11:55 pm
Individual Price £15.00

Please login to register for this event

020 3092 2855
Sion College Office,
Faith House,
7 Tufton Street,